
奥斯曼帝国的衰亡_[英] 尤金·罗根【完结】(95)

  [2] Edward J. Erickson, Gallipoli: The Ottoman Campaign (Barnsley, UK: Pen & Sword Military, 2010), 92–114.

  [3] 关于潜艇战事,参见 Henry W. Nevinson, The Dardanelles Campaign (London: Nisbet & Co., 1918), 145–146, 163–166;P. E. Guépratte, L’expédition des Dardanelles, 1914–1915(Paris: 1935), 116–125. 战役后期,协约国又损失了数艘潜艇。Mariotte号于1915年7月被潜艇网困住,艇上32人被俘;参见Ahmet Tetik, Y. Serdar Demirtaş and Sema Demirtaşed.,Çanakkale Muharebeleri’nin Esirleri [恰纳卡莱之战的战俘] (Ankara: Genelkurmay Basımevi, 2009), 1:198–216.

  [4] 1915年6月,U-21潜艇击沉一艘法国运输船;8月13日,一艘德国潜艇击沉英国运输船Royal Edward号;船上1,400名船员仅有1/3生还。截至1915年秋,地中海东部已有不下14艘德国潜艇。Aspinall-Oglander, Military Operations: Gallipoli, 2:37–39.

  [5] Aspinall-Oglander, Military Operations: Gallipoli, 1:364.

  [6] Nevinson 在The Dardanelles Campaign书后提供了一系列地图,其中一张是1915年7月详细的战壕图。

  [7] Jean Leymonnerie, Journal d’un poilu sur le front d’orient (Paris: Pygmalion, 2003), 109. A. P. Herbert的伟大小说The Secret Battle,由Methuen于1919年在伦敦出版,深受好评 (温斯顿·丘吉尔为该书后来的版本作序)。1917年Herbert在疗伤时撰写了该书,广泛汲取了自己作为皇家海军驻加里波利和法国的经历;引文出自1919 年版,48页。

  [8] Mehmet Sinan Ozgen, Bolvadınlı Mehmet Sinan Bey’in harp hatiraları [Bolvadinli Mehmet Sinan Bey的战争回忆录] (Istanbul: Türkiye Iş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, 2011), 26–27.

  [9] Herbert, The Secret Battle,49–51;英国战争诗人John Still 被俘后,于1916年在Afyon Karahisar战俘营写下了这些诗句。Jill Hamilton, From Gallipoli to Gaza: The Desert Poets of World War One (Sydney: Simon & Schuster Australia, 2003), 107.

  [10] Kevin Clunie and Ron Austined., From Gallipoli to Palestine: The War Writings of Sergeant GT Clunie of the Wellington Mounted Rifles, 1914–1919 (McCrae, Australia: Slouch Hat Publications, 2009), 29–30,diary entry of 16 May 1915. Ibrahim Arıkan, Harp Hatıralarım [我的战争回忆录] (Istanbul: Timaş Yayınları, 2007), 53.

  [11] IWM, private papers of H. Corbridge, Documents 16453, 对赫勒思狙击手的描述,in diary entry of 27 April 1915。他在1915年5月14日的日记中提到了受伤的女狙击手。Privat Reginald Stevens’s letter of 30 June 1915, reproduced in Glyn Harper, ed., Letters from Gallipoli: New Zealand Soldiers Write Home(Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2011), 149. 其他关于女狙击手的内容,参见 Trooper Alfred Burton Mossman’s letter to his parents of 20 May 1915 (136) and Private John Thomas Atkins’s letter home of 11 June 1915 (148)。 Private Gray’s account was published in The Register, Adelaide on 24 May 1916, consulted on the National Library of Australia’s Trove digitised newspapers website ( trove.nla.gof.au/newspaper)。 1915年7月16日,伦敦Times报刊登了一则报道,称一名女狙击手4日在W海滩附近被协约国部队抓获。

  [12] Leymonnerie, Journal d’un poilu, 110–111.

  [13] Mehmed Fasih, Gallipoli 1915: Bloody Ridge (Lone Pine) Diary of Lt. Mehmed Fasih(Istanbul: Denizler Kitabevi, 2001), 86–87.

  [14] Letter of 20 June 1915, in Leymonnerie, Journal d’un poilu, 107.

  [15] IWM, private papers of D. Moriarty, Documents 11752, diary entries of 1 and 2 May 1915. The last entry in the diary was 13 July 1915.

  [16] Harley Matthews,“Two Brothers,” reproduced in Hamilton, From Gallipoli to Gaza, 120–121.

  [17] Leymonnerie, Journal d’un poilu, 105.

  [18] IWM, private papers of R. Eardley, Documents 20218, typescript memoir, 25–26.

  [19] IWM, private papers of B. Bradshaw, Documents 14940. 布拉德绍的信是按照日记方式写的,引自6月6日至9日之间。他在1915年6月10日的行动中死亡。

  [20] A. P. Herbert, reprinted in Hamilton, From Gallipoli to Gaza, 79.

  [21] Diary of Raymond Weil, reproduced in Association nationale pour le souvenir des Dardanelles et fronts d’orient, Dardanelles Orient Levant, 1915–1921 (Paris: L’Harmattan, 2005), 42. 另见the diary of Ernest-Albert Stocanne in ibid., 56, 60. Tim Travers, Galli poli 1915 (Stroud, UK: Tempus, 2004), 269.

  [22] Leymonnerie, Journal d’un poilu, 122; Fasih, Gallipoli 1915, 66.

  [23] IWM, private papers of H. Corbridge, Documents 16453, diary entries of 14 June, 28 June, 12 July, and 7 August. On 14 August, he recorded“17 W[ounded], 85 M[ental] cases today”。 For the account of a man evacuated for shell shock, see IWM, private papers of M. O. F. England, Documents 13759.

  [24] Arıkan, Harp Hatıralarım, 54–55.

  [25] Emin Çöl, Çanakkale Sina Savaşları: bir erin anıları [达达尼尔和西奈战役: 个人回忆录](Istanbul: Nöbetçi Yayınevi, 2009), 53.

  [26] IWM, private papers of H. Corbridge, Documents 16453, diary entry of 7 August 1915.

  [27] IWM, private papers of R. Eardley, Documents 20218, memoir, 29–33. 关于厄德利的简要审讯记录,被奥斯曼当局保存在土耳其安卡拉军事档案馆;其中他提到:“我营第一和第二连于8月8日进攻Alçıtepe时被击败。我在土耳其部队的反击行动中被捕。”该文原件、誊抄本和译本,见Tetik, Demirtaş and Demirtaş, Çanakkale Muharebeleri’nin Esirleri,2:735–736. 虽然原件中厄德利(Eardley)的名字有清楚的英文和奥斯曼土耳其语标识,但编辑们误将草写的E看做S,誊写时把他的名字错写成了 Sardley。

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