

  Llewellyn, for the Crown, had bungled it a bit. He had been over-vehement, had tried to prove too much.

  Matthews, on the other hand, for the Defence, had been good. His points had told. His cross-examinations had been deadly. His handling of his client in the witness box had been masterly.

  And Seton had come through the ordeal of cross-examination well. He had not got excited or over-vehement. The jury had been impressed. It had seemed to Matthews, perhaps, as though everything had been over bar the shouting.

  The judge wound up his watch carefully and placed it by the bed.

  He remembered exactly how he had felt sitting there - listening, making notes, appreciating everything, tabulating every scrap of evidence that told against the prisoner.

  He'd enjoyed that case! Matthews' final speech had been first-class. Llewellyn, coming after it, had failed to remove the good impression that the defending counsel had made.

  And then had come his own summing up...

  Carefully, Mr. Justice Wargrave removed his false teeth and dropped them into a glass of water. The shrunken lips fell in. It was a cruel mouth now, cruel and predatory.

  Hooding his eyes, the judge smiled to himself.

  He'd cooked Seton's goose all right!

  With a slightly rheumatic grunt, he climbed into bed and turned out the electric light.


  Downstairs in the dining-room, Rogers stood puzzled.

  He was staring at the china figures in the centre of the table.

  He muttered to himself:

  "That's a rum go! I could have sworn there were ten of them."


  General Macarthur tossed from side to side.

  Sleep would not come to him.

  In the darkness he kept seeing Arthur Richmond's face.

  He'd liked Arthur - he'd been damned fond of Arthur. He'd been pleased that Leslie liked him too.

  Leslie was so capricious. Lots of good fellows that Leslie would turn up her nose at and pronounce dull. "Dull!" Just like that.

  But she hadn't found Arthur Richmond dull. They'd got on well together from the beginning. They'd talked of plays and music and pictures together. She'd teased him, made fun of him, ragged him. And he, Macarthur, had been delighted at the thought that Leslie took quite a motherly interest in the boy.

  Motherly indeed! Damn fool not to remember that Richmond was twenty-eight to Leslie's twenty-nine.

  He'd loved Leslie. He could see her now. Her heart-shaped face, and her dancing deep grey eyes, and the brown curling mass of her hair. He'd loved Leslie and he'd believed in her absolutely.

  Out there in France, in the middle of all the hell of it, he'd sat thinking of her, taken her picture out of the breast pocket of his tunic.

  And then - he'd found out!

  It had come about exactly in the way things happened in books. The letter in the wrong envelope. She'd been writing to them both and she'd put her letter to Richmond in the envelope addressed to her husband. Even now, all these years later, he could feel the shock of it - the pain...

  God, it had hurt!

  And the business had been going on some time. The letter made that clear. Week-ends! Richmond's last leave...

  Leslie - Leslie and Arthur!

  God damn the fellow! Damn his smiling face, his brisk "Yes, sir." Liar and hypocrite! Stealer of another man's wife!

  It had gathered slowly - that cold murderous rage.

  He'd managed to carry on as usual - to show nothing. He'd tried to make his manner to Richmond just the same.

  Had he succeeded? He thought so. Richmond hadn't suspected. Inequalities of temper were easily accounted for out there, where men's nerves were continually snapping under the strain.

  Only young Armitage had looked at him curiously once or twice. Quite a young chap, but he'd had perceptions, that boy.

  Armitage, perhaps, had guessed - when the time came.

  He'd sent Richmond deliberately to death. Only a miracle could have brought him through unhurt. That miracle didn't happen. Yes, he'd sent Richmond to his death and he wasn't sorry. It had been easy enough. Mistakes were being made all the time, officers being sent to death needlessly. All was confusion, panic. People might say afterwards, "Old Macarthur lost his nerve a bit, made some colossal blunders, sacrificed some of his best men." They couldn't say more.

  But young Armitage was different. He'd looked at his commanding officer very oddly. He'd known, perhaps, that Richmond was being deliberately sent to death.

  (And after the War was over - had Armitage talked?)

  Leslie hadn't known. Leslie had wept for her lover (he supposed) but her weeping was over by the time he'd come back to England. He'd never told her that he'd found her out. They'd gone on together - only, somehow, she hadn't seemed very real any more. And then, three or four years later, she'd got double pneumonia and died.

  That had been a long time ago. Fifteen years - sixteen years?

  And he'd left the Army and come to live in Devon - bought the sort of little place he'd always meant to have. Nice neighbours - pleasant part of the world. There was a bit of shooting and fishing. He'd gone to church on Sundays. (But not the day that the lesson was read about David putting Uriah in the forefront of the battle. Somehow he couldn't face that. Gave him an uncomfortable feeling.)

  Everybody had been very friendly. At first, that is. Later, he'd had an uneasy feeling that people were talking about him behind his back. They eyed him differently, somehow. As though they'd heard something - some lying rumour...

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