

  [16] Daily Mail, 17 June 1913, quoted in Virginia Cowles, 1913: An End and a Beginning, 1967

  [17] Anthony Phillips, ed., Sergey Prokofiev Diaries: Prodigous Youth, 1907–1914, 2006

  [18] Ramanujaswami, N., My Trip to England, 1912

  [19] Theodore Dreiser, Traveller at Forty, 1913

  [20] John Robert Seeley, The Expansion of England, 1883

  [21] The Nineteenth Century and After, February 1913

  [22] Dennis Hardy, ‘From Garden Cities to New Towns: Campaigning for Town and Country Planning’, in Stephen V. Ward, ed., Garden City: Past, Present and Future, 1992

  [23] Ellis T. Powell, The Mechanism of the City: An Analytical Survey of the Business Activities of the City of London, 1910

  [24] The Economist, 12 April 1913

  [25] Op. cit., Powell

  [26] E. M. Forster, Howard’s End, 1910

  [27] The Economist, 4 January 1913

  [28] David Kynaston, City of London: The History, 1815–2000, 2011

  [29] The Economist, 4 January 1913

  [30] Quoted in op. cit., Kynaston

  [31] The Economist, 1 January 1913

  [32] League of Nations statistics quoted in Aaron Friedberg, The Weary Titan: Britain and the Experience of Relative Decline 1895–1905, 1988

  [33] The Economist, 4 January 1913

  [34] John Dunning and Sarianna Lundan, Multinational Enterprises and the Global Economy, 2nd edition, 2008

  [35] Charles Feinstein, ‘Britain’s Overseas Investments in 1913’, The Economic History Review, vol. 43, no. 2, 1990

  [36] Gary B. Magee and Andrew S. Thompson, Empire and Globalisation: Networks of People, Goods and Capital in the British World, c. 1850–1914, 2010

  [37] Quoted in op. cit., Kynaston

  [38] Ibid.

  [39] Quoted in Jean-Louis Robert, ‘Paris, London and Berlin on the Eve of War’, in Jay Winter and Jean-Louis Robert, eds., Capital Cities at War: Paris, London, Berlin, 1914–1919, 1997

  [40] M. Pember Reeves, Round About a Pound a Week, 2nd edition, 1914

  [41] Quoted in ibid.

  [42] Thomas Holmes, London’s Underworld, 2nd edition, 1913

  [43] Jérôme de Wiel, ‘Austria-Hungary, France, Germany and the Irish Crisis from 1899 to the Outbreak of the First World War’, Intelligence and National Security, vol. 21, no. 2, 2006, quoted in Jack Beatty, The Lost History of 1914: How the First World War was not Inevitable, 2012

  [44] The Daily Graphic, 25 June 1913

  [45] Ibid.

  [46] Laird McLeod Easton, The Red Count: The Life and Times of Harry Kessler, 2002

  [47] The Economist, 28 June 1913


  [1] Op. cit., Dreiser

  [2] J. F. V. Keiger, Raymond Poincaré, 1997

  [3] Michael E. Nolan, The Inverted Mirror: Mythologizing the Enemy in France and Germany, 1898–1914, 2006

  [4] David Clay Large, Berlin, 2000

  [5] Op. cit., Neiberg

  [6] Quoted in op. cit., Malcolm Carroll

  [7] David Schoenbaum, Zabern 1913: Consensus Politics in Imperial Germany, 1982

  [8] Maurice Barrès, La terre et les morts: Sur quelles réalités fonder la conscience française, 1899

  [9] Owen Chadwick, A History of the Popes, 1830–1914, 1998

  [10] Quoted in Robert Gildea, Children of the Revolution: The French, 1799–1914, 2008

  [11] Eric Deroo, ‘Mourir: L’appel à l’Empire’, in Pascal Blanchard and Sandrine Lemaire, Culture Coloniale: La France conquise par son empire, 1871–1931, 2003

  [12] Op. cit., Ramunajaswami

  [13] Karl Baedeker, Paris and its Environs: Handbook for Travellers, 1910

  [14] L. Houllevigue, ‘Le problème de l’heure’, La Revue de Paris, August 1913

  [15] Ibid.

  [16] Stephen Kern, The Culture of Time and Space, 1880–1918, 1983

  [17] Patrice Higonnet, Paris: Capital of the World, trans. Arthur Goldhammer, 2002

  [18] Henri Murger, Scènes de la vie Bohème, 1851

  [19] Claire Hancock, ‘Capitale du Plaisir: The Remaking of Imperial Paris’, in Felix Driver and David Gilbert, eds., Imperial Cities: Landscape, Display and Identity, 1999

  [20] Otto Friedrich, Olympia: Paris in the Age of Manet, 1992

  [21] Op. cit., Gildea

  [22] Detlef Briesen, ‘Weltmetropole Berlin?’, in Gerhard Brunn and Jürgen Reulecke, eds., Metropolis Berlin: Berlin as deutsche Hauptstadt im Vergleich europäischer Hauptstädte 1871–1939, 1992

  [23] Op. cit., Clay Large

  [24] David McCullough, The Greater Journey: Americans in Paris, 2011

  [25] Henry James, The Ambassadors, 1903

  [26] Adelaide Mack, Magnetic Paris, 1913

  [27] Op. cit., Phillips

  [28] Ibid.

  [29] Op. cit., Dreiser

  [30] Op. cit., Baedeker (1910)

  [31] Op. cit., Phillips

  [32] Op. cit., Guerry

  [33] The Daily Graphic, 26 June 1913

  [34] Jacques-Emile Blanche in La Revue de Paris, December 1913

  [35] Le Figaro, 20 February 1909

  [36] Modris Eksteins, Rites of Spring: The Great War and the Birth of the Modern Age, 1989

  [37] Liliane Brion-Guerry, ‘L’évolution des formes structurales dans l’architecture des années 1910–1914’, in op. cit., Guerry

  [38] Op. cit., Blanche

  [39] Jacques Bertillon, La dépopulation de la France: Ses conséquences – Ses causes – Mesures à prendre pour la combattre, 1911

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