



  On the Chronological Dating and Study of the Primers in the Tang and Song Dynasties

  Li Yumin

  Abstract:This paper collects many primers compiled in the Tang and Song periods and studies their titles,volumes,authorship,and dates. In terms of dates,one title is from the mid-Tang era,seven from late Tang era,one from Five Dynasties,fifteen from the Northern Song,and sixty three from the Southern Song. Apparently,the titles in the Song dynasty are much more than those in the Tang. It means that more and more people were educated with these primers from the Tang to Southern Song. Especially in the Southern Song,it seems that the population of literacy increased dramatically. Based on this position,it should be interesting for revisiting the history of the Tang and Song dynasties. The political governance during the Zhenguan and Kaiyuan reign periods are often praised through the ages. However,there was no single primer compiled in early and high Tang eras,which indicates that the education for grassroots was not concerned by the ruling class. This weakness certainly had a negative impact on the quality of the nationals in the Tang and limited the further development. After the An LuShan rebellion,the politics,military,economy,and culture became decaying. In the past,scholars suggest the reason for decay was the rebellion. Actually it is not. Given that in the Song dynasty,there were constant wars between the Song and the Jurchen,but in the Southern Song,the economy was prosperous,and the culture was flourishing. in terms of culture,the Song was the peak. The reason should be attributed to the emphasis on education in the Song dynasty.

  Keywords:Tang and Song Dynasties,the Primers,revisiting the history

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